Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bikes, Beaches, Bums. What A Day.

Tel Aviv:
  • beach
  • sun
  • bikes
  • volleyball
  • ruins
  • sunsets
  • smoothes

What more could you ask for on a clear free day?

Okay, story time:
Once upon a time, we were hanging out on the beach eating our lunches and drinking our delicious smoothes from the shuk when we observe this man (lets call him Ghandi) outta control tan with total shaggy hair doing intense yoga down the beach. We move on bigger and better things like a game of volleyball and realize that Ghandi is still at it after several hours. By this time, everyone on the beach's attention is on Ghandi and what slightly acrobatic mainly not natural position he will place his body in next. Our boy Abraham (aka Abe or as Ayman our Arabic teacher says Abby) decides to take things into his own hands and attempt the head stand pictured below without Ghandi noticing. Mission accomplished. (creeper pic courtesy of Mr. Davis)

Now to all the other random stuff we did:

~smoothes in the shuk~

~renting bikes adventure~

~visited Old Jaffa~

~climbing palm trees~
 (don't worry not all the way up)

~ice cream party on the pier~

~sunset jumping pics~

(pictures taken by Miss Taylor)

~pretend birthday parties~
totally worth it for the sparkler that came in Megan's cheeseburger

Over all it was a great day. One for the books and just another place to check off my list of places I have been.
And in case you were wondering yep i still LOVE it here!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I think I want to be you and have your life right now!!!!!! Love you, Mom
